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The Harduf Natural Playground is an ongoing community project which has organically developed since its inauguration in 2004. The objective of the design is to create a living environment, created out of natural materials, which offers a rich fabric of visual and haptic experiences and encourages free, creative play for children between the ages of 4 and 8. 

The playground elements include - in the projects various stages of development - a water play-garden, elements for climbing and balancing, a labyrinth with a living willow-tunnel, a sand-pit, a wooden railway and ship, swings and slides.

playground-plan for website.jpg
gan mishakim - pond area - view.jpeg
playground - locomotive.jpg
playground - ship.jpg

Natural Playground

design and execution of a natural playground and the enveloping landscape

Harduf, 2004 - 2023, ongoing project

design:       Axel Ewald

execution: Avichai Ronen and Axel Ewald

wooden locomotive - artist's impression

wooden ship - artist's impression


The landscaping is developed to comprise various levels, including a hill with a tunnel, a pond as well as soft and hard landscaping with the aim to create a harmonious, natural and enveloping environment.

playground 2021.png

playground layout - stage 2021


Illustrations of future developments:

מגרש משחקים - הדמייה - 1.jpg
מגרש משחקים - הדמייה - 4.jpg
מגרש משחקים - הדמייה - 5.jpg
מגרש משחקים - הדמייה - 2.jpg
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