Environmental Sculpture - Nature, Art, Ecology and Society
essay written by Axel Ewald
Harduf, Israel, 2015

Axel Ewald - Environmental Artist and Social Sculptor
article written by art historian David Adams, PhD
published in the Newsletter of the Art Section of the School of Spiritual Science
Issue No. 46, Autumn-Winter 2016

Metamorphosis Inspired by the Vertebral Column
written by Axel Ewald, with examples of the artist's drawings and sculptures
for the book "Metamorphosis - Journey through Transformation of Form, Gertraud Goodwin (ed.), 2016, Temple Lodge Press, Forest Row, GB

Reclaiming the Soul of Landscape and Reclaiming Landscape for the Soul
A research project in the realm of Social Sculpture
written by Axel Ewald as a summary of his PhD project
in Social Sculpture at Oxford Brookes University

Thoughts and Observations Concerning the Creation of Art at the Time of War
written by Axel Ewald in the context of the
artist's installation
"Between Light, Darkness, Shadow and Materiality -
A Journey"
Mirvach Art Gallery, Israel
21.12.2024 - 22.2.2025